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My Political  Cartoon

I chose  The New Yorker "Terrorist Fist Bump" of President Barack Obama and the First Lady, Michelle because it is a political cartoon that  shows the viewpoint of republican voters who didn't want Obama in office in the first place. It was an image meant to raise hackles, and it did: a cartoon on the cover of the New Yorker showing Barack and Michelle Obama - dressed as a Muslim and a gun-toting militant - performing what rightwing commentators have called a "terrorist fist bump", while burning the US flag in the fireplace of an Oval Office decorated with a portrait of Osama bin Laden.





Educational Philosophy

Steve Irwin said it best when stating,"I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message." The dictionary describes education as the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge. My consensus? Steve Irwin is absolutely correct, passion for a particular subject evokes a willingness to learn. My learning style could most accurately be described as linguistic. Since I since I learn best by hearing and writing, this teaching style caters specifically to me. "What is the importance of Education?" You may inquire. A generic response to this question would be that education ensures one's success, but I have learned that this fact is not entirely true. Although education assists greatly in becoming "successful" it doesn't guarantee success.

Social Issue ( Child Soldiers )


     Over the last ten years, two million children have been killed in conflict. Over one million have been orphaned, over six million have been seriously injured or permanently disabled and over ten million have been left with serious psychological trauma. War affects every aspect of a child's development. Children affected by armed conflict can be injured or killed, uprooted from their homes and communities, internally displaced or refugees, orphaned or separated from their parents and families, subjected to sexual abuse and exploitation, victims or trauma as a result of being exposed to violence, deprived of education and recreation, at risk of becoming child soldiers. It is highly probable that children living in conflict areas will be deprived of basic needs and such as shelter, food and medical attention. In addition, relief for children tends to be the last priority in war, resulting in insufficient or no protection for minors. Besides, children are, due to their physical constitution and growth, most vulnerable to being deprived of food, medical assistance and education, which has a severe and lasting impact on their development. Since 1998 there have been armed conflicts involving child soldiers in at least 36 countries. However, the traumatic scars left on children are just one of a vast aftermath of post war problems: refugees, food shortages and mourning for lost relatives. Former Child Soldiers may at best have their needs forgotten and at worst be blamed by their communities for what happened. Children from poor and disadvantaged families who are seeking physical support, revenge for their losses or the sense of belonging and particularly vulnerable to expoitation during conflict. Other children are kidnapped and forced to become fighters. It is estimated that over the last 15 years 10,000 children have been abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) around Gulu in northern Uganda, alone. Children are deliberately targeted as they are manipulated more easily than adults and can be indoctrinated to perfom crimes and atrocities without asking questions.




Title: Frankenstein


Author: Mary Shelley


Genre: Gothic & Romantic


# of pages: 212






  Mary Shelley was born on August 30, 1797 and died February 1, 1851. Mary lived came from a rich literary heritage. Her father was political theorist, novelist, and publisher and her mother was a writer and early feminist thinker who died 10 days after she was born. An event that influenced Mary was on February 22, 1815 was when she had her first child but lost it because she was premature.




   This novel has chapters instead of scenes or acts. There are 24 chapters in this novel. The chronological order of events is classified as a frame story because one story is told inside of another story. At first Robert was telling his story, and then Victor took over even though it was still Roberts’s story.


  The round character in this novel would have to be the Monster. The reason why he is a round character is because of his feelings that seem so human like. The flat character in this story is Victor. Victor is the flat character because of his personality and characteristics. The protagonist in the story is Victor. Victor is the protagonist because he is the blame behind why the   Monster is on a killing rampage. The antagonist in the story is the Monster. The monster is the antagonist because of the craziness that the monster caused. Minor characters responsibility in stories are to set the tone , or give background. For example Robert is a minor character because with or without him the plot of the story stays the same.


This book took place mostly in Geneva. But it started on the ice before the flashback occurred. Yes this setting is important because it resembles the place and time frame of where the author was born.


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